Acta Anthropobiologica
(Publicationes Institutionis Anthropologicae Musei Historico-Naturalis = Published by the Institute for Anthropology of the Museum of Natural History, Budapest)
Budapest, 1947. Egyetemi Nyomda
Szerk.: ??
Nyelv: angol
Témakör: anthropobiology, social anthropology, historical anthropology, ethnoanthropology
Acta Anthropolobiologica No.1. 1947.
Tarnóczy T. H.: Physical characteristics of speech sounds and some aspects of their anthropological relations. 1–43.
Acta Anthropolobiologica No.2. 1947.
Balogh B. – Nemes J.: Polydactyly and syndactyly. 1-20 + Table I–V.