A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum Embertani Tárában (és egy ideje már szélesebb körben is) 3–4 naponta körbe szoktam küldeni néhány általam érdekesnek ítélt magyar és külföldi "cikk" linkjét. Ebből az e-mailben küldözgetett levélfolyamból született meg ez a blog. A témák, amiket figyelni szoktam: antropológia, régészet, történelem, vagy amiről úgy gondolom, hogy érdekes lehet például arcrekonstrukciók, múmiák, táplálkozás, stb.
I have sent letters on various topics from the Department of Anthropology Hungarian Natural History Museum (where I work for) since 2010. These topics are: biological anthropology, archeology, history, facial reconstruction, mummies, nutrition, etc. These were that gave birth to this blog.
Anthropological Data of Hungarian Historical Populations This e-journal's aim is to provide the academic circles with easily accessible and freely usable e-publications concerning the Anthropological Data of Hungarian Historical Populations. You can get information and ask questions about the ADHHP at the makra@nhmus.hu e-mail address.
Egy 3,8 millió éves koponya írhatja át az emberi evolúció történetéthttps://index.hu/techtud/2019/08/29/emberi_evolucio_australopithecus_anamensis_afarensis_koponya
A híres Lucy 3,8 millió éves ősének koponyája került elő…
Polish researcher identified possible grave of Slavic warrior woman in Denmarkscienceinpoland.pap.pl/en/news/news%2C77881%2Cpolish-researcher-identified-possible-grave-slavic-warrior-woman-denmark.html
Burial pit in Portugal testifies to the violence of the Christian…
Scientists Find Scurvy in Mouth of Long-Dead, Failed Crusader Kinghttps://www.livescience.com/65778-crusader-king-louis-scurvy.html
Researchers in China find some of the oldest examples of cranial modificationhttps://phys.org/news/2019-07-china-oldest-examples-cranial-modification.html
Using computer simulations to discover where Neanderthals livedhttps://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2019/05/using-computer-simulations-to-discover.html
Facial reconstruction breathes new life into ancient citizens of…
Large Mound in Russia Reveals 2,500-Year-Old Skeletons of Elite Nomadic Tribesmen... And a Horse Headhttps://www.livescience.com/65498-ancient-russia-burials-elite-nomads.html
Sarmatian warrior tomb discovered in southern Russia…
Researchers suggest 'Little Foot' is an entirely new species of early humanhttps://phys.org/news/2018-12-foot-species-early-human.html
Oldest ever traces of the plague found in Falköpinghttps://phys.org/news/2018-12-oldest-plague-falkping.html
South African skeleton shows humans learned to walk…
Meet Denny, the ancient mixed-heritage mystery girlhttps://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/nov/24/denisovan-neanderthal-hybrid-denny-dna-finder-project
Ancient DNA shows the Sámi and Finns share identical Siberian geneshttps://phys.org/news/2018-11-ancient-dna-smi-finns-identical.html
Ritka régészeti lelet került elő a Dunábólhttps://ujszo.com/regio/ritka-regeszeti-lelet-kerult-elo-dunabol
Grave of female Scythian warrior found in Ukrainehttps://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2018/09/grave-of-female-scythian-warrior-found.html
New tests underway on Mona Lisa of…
First ancient syphilis genomes decodedhttps://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2018/06/first-ancient-syphilis-genomes-decoded.html
Leprosy DNA extracted from medieval skeletons in Denmarkhttps://phys.org/news/2018-06-leprosy-dna-medieval-skeletons-denmark.html
DNA Yields Vary Within Same Bone,…